Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Welcome to my Blog!

Don't take the unassisted mommy part too literally, I do have a wonderful supportive husband and family.  We just found out we are expecting our 3rd child in October.  The first a cesarean, the 2nd a midwife assisted homebirth & now I am planning an unassisted pregnancy & birth for my 3rd.  I am a college educated mother, doula, nutritionist, lover of nature & the natural being.  I work full time in a medical related field, honestly I hate my job though.  I love when I can help people, but in these harsh economic times it is rare.  I can't wait to become a stay at home mom again once this baby is here.  I have a daughter in 4th grade who I briefly homeschooled and will turn 10 here in a couple months.  My son will be 5 this Summer.  Both are excited about the baby coming!  I'm just beginning here & don't even know if anyone will read this, but I wanted to document my journey if anything, for myself.