Thursday, February 25, 2010

Crazy Month

The last couple weeks have been crazy, this baby has me totally tired & wiped out.  I've been doing my own UA & had an ultrasound, heart beating at a healthy 160bpm.  I had my regular blood work completed (have it done every 6 mos. for a different medical issue) & everything looks great, I just need some energy! 

I'm now just past 8 weeks, been looking into birth kits, birth tubs & getting a doppler.  I've been having a great time talking to other UC moms and am surprised that there are so many, even in my area!  I am thankful for my supportive midwife friends also who are standing by me and will be there for me "just in case".  They won't be here at my house for the birth, but we are only a couple miles from the hospital.  I told my husband the other night that I may call on a doula friend of mine who is also going to nursing school to drop by if I think I need her in labor, but that probably won't happen.

I'm really focused now on getting a different job for the remainder of my pregnancy.  Mine is just too emotionally stressful getting caught between peoples insurance coverage & the medical help they need.  I've heard back on a catering job I applied for, which would be awesome!  It is only a few days a week, but the pay is awesome!  (And I'd be doing something I love! COOKING).